Monday, April 26, 2010

JB New King of Pop Over MJ? I don't think so.

Some may think Justin Bieber is the new king of pop. What do I think of this you ask? No sir-e, not a chance. As you can tell I'm fully against the statement. Justin Bieber is obviously talented, because that level of fame is pretty hard to accomplish if you're not talented. To compare him to MJ is a little out of his league, although Michael had a few flaws in his life, he is still one of the most talented people in the music industry ever.

If you didn't know, Michael Jackson was even MORE famous that Justin when he was even younger! THAT is an accomplishment to remember him and honour him by. I know alot of people will remember him by the incredible donations he has made to various charities too. I guess his lyrics were pretty good too (haha). Another reason I will remember him is because of how good he was to his fans. He never had any bad situations with his fans that I know of, and that impresses me for some reason. Considering all the publicity and fake stories that could have been made up about him being rude or anything.

The last point I would like to emphasize, which will probably convince that he is WITHOUT DOUBT the king, is his dancing. Have you SEEN his dancing? It's sick! He spins around and around on the heels of his shoes, it's crazy! And the moon walk how crazy is that? I can kind of do it, but he is the inventor and champ at it. Well, that's about it. I hope i talked some sense into you fools who think "J-Biebs" is 'cool' and 'sick' and the 'king'.

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