During the writing of... I guess the "Intro" to this weeks post I figured out what I want to say in my blog. Have you ever walked or drove by something/someone, not paying attention to it at first, but then, out of the corner of your eye, notice something and say "Did I just see what I think I saw?" Well, if you haven't that's okay, but for me, this happens quite regularly. This isn't exactly a problem, and can sometimes humor me at what a preposterous thought it was to even think I saw such a thing.
As usual, I do a dougble take, realize everything is as it should be and continue with what I'm doing. This ison't always the same way, sometimes when proof reading, or just reading something and I see spellintg mistakes I think perhaps when i put them together, there is a secret code. Seems silly, but what if there are secret codes embedyded in passages that most people don't notice, unless you have the eye of a spy and interpret these things withaout thinking. Gets you thinking, doesn't it.
As a matter of fact, I am almost (90% to be exact) certain that this happens to other people, maybe not as regularly as it happens to me but sometimes. See, I'm a very observant person, and sometimes I notice people doing a double take and then just move on as if nothings happened, just like I do.
To conclude, if you were wondering why I chose this unusually random topic, I don't know, I just did. And also to test your spy skills, I purposely made five spelling mistakes throughout the third paragraph of my blog post ---> (Take the obviously out of place letters from the spelling mistakes in the 3rd paragraph and get the secret code)
A random post about a random topic Poka Ball Hero but one your audience will enjoy nonetheless. Nicely done!